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29th May 2025

Conservatorio di Latina

Concerto finale della Masterclass con Fabio Bagnoli

music by the students, Giacinto Scelsi, Bruno Maderna,

Isang Yun, Heinz Holliger and Daniele Bravi


24th May 2025

Palermo, Conservatorio

Tracce di Suoni

music by Gerard Grisey, Tristan Murail, Fausto 


with Georgia and Aline Primiera, Oscar Pizzo et al.


Wild's Clouds Ornaments

Contemporanea | Rassegne

Sabato 05 Aprile 2025

h. 21:00

Teatro Studio Borgna

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

music by David, Lang, Michael Gordon,

Julia Wolfe, Du Yun, Nico Muhly


Auditorium Parco della Musica,

Teatro Studio Borgna

16th March 2025

music by Hans Thomalla


dir. Tonino Battista

12 February

Conservatorio di Latina

Masterclass con Fabio Bagnoli


Playing with Gavin Bryars


Lunedì 20 Gennaio 2025

h. 21:00

Sala Petrassi

Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

Raiz, Conservatori del Territorio

Nuova Consonanza

14th December 2024

Parco della Musica Roma, Teatro Studio

La Voce del Sangue di Salvatore Sciarrino

(prima esecuzione assoluta)

per voce narrante, flauto solista e orchestra

voce narrante: Peppe Servillo

flauto solista: Manuel Zurria

direttore: Mimma Campanale

Orchestra Roma Tre

De Musica Nuova Consonanza

12th December 2024

Auditorium Parco della Musica

music by Stefano Gervasoni

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista



17th  November 2024 h. 18:00

M9 Museum of Contemporary Art, Mestre (Venice)

Auditorium Cesare De Michelis

Incantesimi per un iperflauto

music by Juste  Janulyte, Rytis Mazulis (creation),

Arvo Part, Stefano  Pilia (creation), Hans Abrahamsen,

Laszlo  Sary, Mary Jane Leach

I Sileni - 8 flutes

with Daniele Ruggeri , Andrea Magris, Sonia Venzo,

Eugenio Migotto, Eleonora Donà, Elena Bernaus,

Sofia De Pieri


Conservatorio di Palermo

4th October 2024

Tracce di Suoni

music by Giovanni Damiani, Giuseppe Rapisarda,

Salvatore Sciarrino, Morton Feldman

with Giovanni Damiani, piano

Fulvia Ricevuto, percussion


25th September 2024

Teatro Cavallerizza, Reggio Emilia

Lo Sciamano di ghiaccio

regia, scene e luci Fabio Cherstich
drammaturgia Guido Barbieri
videomaker Piergiorgio Casotti
compositore e performer Massimo Pupillo
drammaturgia musicale Oscar Pizzo

duo cantanti Inuit PIQSIQ

Manuel Zurria flauti
Oscar Pizzo tastiera
Massimo Pupillo basso elettrico e live electronics


22nd September 2024

Festival TRANSART, Brunico

Lo Sciamano di ghiaccio

regia, scene e luci Fabio Cherstich
drammaturgia Guido Barbieri
videomaker Piergiorgio Casotti
compositore e performer Massimo Pupillo
drammaturgia musicale Oscar Pizzo

duo cantanti Inuit PIQSIQ

Manuel Zurria flauti
Oscar Pizzo tastiera
Massimo Pupillo basso elettrico e live electronics



14th September 2024

Auditorium Parco della Musica

PMCE dir. T. Battista

music by Luigi Dallapiccola,

Paolo Rotili, Alessandra Ravera

7th July 2024

Arte Scienza Festival, CRM

Goethe Institut

recital, music by James Dashow,

Francesca Verunelli, Alvin Lucier,

Emre Şener

17-22 June 2024

Chiese, Corti e Cortili 2024

artistic residence with young composers

with Anna D'Errico piano, Francesco Dillon, cello

16th June 2024

Ravenna Festival, Teatro Alighieri

Lo Sciamano di ghiaccio

regia, scene e luci Fabio Cherstich
drammaturgia Guido Barbieri
videomaker Piergiorgio Casotti
compositore e performer Massimo Pupillo
drammaturgia musicale Oscar Pizzo

duo cantanti Inuit PIQSIQ

Manuel Zurria flauti
Oscar Pizzo tastiera
Massimo Pupillo basso elettrico e live electronics

21th May 2024 h. 19.00

in occasione della mostra di Rember Yahuarcani

Ampiyacù, il territorio dei miei antenati 

Sala 1 - Centro Internazionale d’Arte Contemporanea

Piazza di Porta San Giovanni, 10 - 00185 Roma

music by Steve Reich, Alvin Curran,

Francesco Antonioni, Jan Martin Smørdal,

Stefano Scodanibbio and Jon Gibson

24th April 2024

La Stanza della Musica

RAI Radio 3 live concert

music by Salvatore Sciarrino (2 Esercizi, first performance)

Riccardo Nova, Juste Janulyte, Steve Reich, Riccardo Vaglini

with Guido Barbieri

7th April 2024

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma


PMCE, dir. T. Battista

music by N. Sani, L. Nono


10th March 2024

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma


PMCE, dir. T. Battista

musiche di P. Eotvos, F. Verunelli, F. Antonioni

29th February 2024

Teatro Bonci Cesena

Don Perlimplin

ossia il trionfo dell'amore e dell'immaginazione

music by Bruno Maderna

dir. Andrea Cappelleri

25th February 2024

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma

2 +

music by T. Johnson, R. Nova, J. Janulyte,

L. Ceccarelli, N. Creshevsky, E. Casale

with Paolo Ravaglia, clarinet and electronics

4 th February 2024

Associazione Amici della Musica di Modena

Lettere Intime

musiche di Kurtag, Hosokawa, Eotvos,

Schumann, Schubert, Webern, Vaglini,


Trio K, con Francesco Dillon ed Emanuele Torquati

27th January 2024

Sasso Marconi (BO)

12 Variazioni sul nulla

performance di e con Paolo Aralla


20th December 2023

Auditorium Parco della Musica


Sala Petrassi

PMCE + allievi dei Conservatori di Roma e Latina

music by Louis Andriessen

16th December

Nuova Consonanza

Macro Pelanda, Ex Mattatoio h.21.00

Partiture per Corpi

with Paolo Ravaglia and Federico Sanguineti

music by N. Evangelisti, L. Berio, A. Clementi,

M. Panni, G. Scelsi, S.Scodanibbio

12th December 2023

Wallofsounds 2023


Basilica della Magione, Palermo

*first performance

Juste Janulyte: Unanime*

Rytis Mazulis: new work*

Julius Aglinskas: Swaying*

10th December

Vacallo, Switzerland

Opus 60

music by Mario Pagliarani

7th December 2023

Festival di Nuova Consonanza

music by Guido Baggiani

PMCE dir. T. Battista

2nd December 2023

Casalecchio di Reno, Teatro Comunale

Ragazzi e Ragazze di Salvemini

music by D. Spina, L. Mezzalira, L.V.Carpignano,

E.Sener, L.Tacchino, F.Ruggiero

with Paolo Aralla, regia del suono

27th November 2023

Nuova Consonanza, De Musica 2023

Auditorium Parco della Musica Roma

music by Ondrej Adamek

Ca tourne ça bloque, Let me tell you a story, Sinuous Voice

Shigeko Hata, dir. Tonino Battista, PMCE

18th November 2023

Gamo Festival

Le Murate district

music by Antonio Agostini, Giuliano D'Angiolini,  José Maria

Sanchez Verdù, Marco Lenzi, Alessandro Solbiati

with Ensemble GAMO dir. F. Gesualdi

8th November 2023

Festival RomaEuropa

Auditorium Parco della Musica

An Index of Metals

music by Fausto Romitelli

video by Paolo Pachini

PMCE dir. T. Battista

!7th October 2023

Conservatorio F. Venezze Rovigo

Concerto finale Progetto Dialoghi

Auditorium del Conservatorio

Corso del Popolo 241, Rovigo


15th September 2023

Artescienza 2023

Auditorium Parco della Musica

PMCE dir. T. Battista

musiche di Giulia Lorusso,  Katharina Roth,

Kathrin Denner

24th to 29th July 2023

Corti, Chiese e Cortili

Val Samoggia

music by the composers of the seminar together with

Couperin (Pagliarani),Gabrieli, Dowland, Vicentino, Haendel (Aralla)

9th June 2023 h. 21.30

Ravenna Festival Palazzo De André

The Yellow Shark

music by Frank Zappa

PMCE dir. T. Battista

23rd May 2023 h.19.00

Budapest Music Centre - Ligeti 100

Intimate Letters (per Gyorgy Kurtag)

musics by G.Kurtag, P.Eotvos, L.Sary, L.Ligeti,

H.Skempton, R.Vaglini, T.Hosokawa, A.Elia (creation)

V.Silvestrov, P.Ablinger, R.Schumann, J.S.Bach

with Francesco Dillon, cello

Emanuele Torquati, piano

Intimate Letters is a tribute to György Kurtág. The project was born from Costellazione K, which represents the theatrical mise en scéne, created together with the director Pietro Babina on August 20th 2016, at the Teatro dei Rozzi in Siena, for the Chigiana Music Week. Of course Intimate Letters evokes Leoš Janáček, but at the same time it marks a path in György Kurtág's human nature. His voice, in fact, stolen through a quick telephone conversation, caught during a lesson or, again, recorded during a rehearsal with Claudio Abbado, suggests, signs, invokes, screams, jams, flies and travels. Fast, of course, and always struggling to keep up with his super-mobile way of thinking. An uncompromising, radical, coherent, lucid, destabilizing thought. A whole world caught in the moment. Kurtág's voice unravels through music, dispenses pearls of wisdom, marks the time of our musical journey around him. Together with his music you will listen to pieces commissioned to composers as a tribute for this event that intended to celebrate, in 2016, his ninetieth birthday. In order of appearance: Toshio Hosokawa, Lukás Ligeti, Alessio Elia, Howard Skempton, Peter Ablinger, Peter Eötvös and László Sáry. Together with them, music from the past by authors dear to him: Robert Schumann, Johann Sebastian Bach. A floral tribute, therefore, where the flowers take on a metaphorical guise, as in his music. Those flowers that represent the delicacy and transience of our existence. Those hands that intertwine on the piano and create sonic garlands, arabesques, meetings, quarrels. 

12th May 2023 ore 20.30

Bologna, Ex Chiesa di S. Mattia

Via Sant'Isaia 14 Bologna

Exitime 2023 Fontanamix

Partiture per Corpi

con Paolo Ravaglia e Federico Sanguineti

musiche di L. Berio, E. Casale, M. Panni,

S. Scodanibbio, G. Scelsi, A. Clementi


4th May 2023 h.21.00

Hommage to Luciano Berio

Auditorium Parco della Musica

music by L. Berio

PMCE, dir. T. Battista

20th April 2023 h.21.00

Festival delle Scienze 2023

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma

An experiment with Time

music by Daniele Ghisi

PMCE, dir. T. Battista

14th April 2023

MIMINO, farewell to Giya Kancheli

Amici della Musica, Teatro Sperimentale ore 20:30


music by Giya Kancheli, Vladimir Tarnopolsky (creation)

and Valentin Silvestrov

with Oscar Pizzo, piano

11st January 2023

Corpi Sonori: Studio #1

Torri dell'Acqua, Via Benni 1 ore 21:00 - Budrio


Stefania Tansini, performer

Paolo Aralla, elettronica dal vivo

22nd December 2022

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Sala Petrassi

The Desert Music by Steve Reich

PMCE dir. T. Battista

21nd December 2022

Auditorium Conservatorio O. Respighi di Latina

The Desert Music by Steve Reich

PMCE dir. T. Battista

15th December 2022

Musica per Roma

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Teatro Studio

music byMichael Torke

PMCE dir. T. Battista

Rome 19th November 2022

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Teatro Studio

Festival RomaEuropa

music by Iannis Xenakis

PMCE dir. T. Battista

Venice Biennale 22nd September h. 20.00

Arsenale – Teatro alle Tese 
Paolo Buonvino
ÇIATU, 2022 (50’) ***
for vocalists, disklaviers, ensemble, recorded voices and live electronics
Text by Paolo Buonvino
based on literary and documentary fragments about the concept of breath in Sicily

PMCE dir. T. Battista

Rome 8th September

Arte Scienza

Auditorium Parco della Musica Teatro Studio h. 21.00

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

music by G.F.Haas and M. Gentilucci

Rome 15th June 2022

Digit-Azione per Sylvano Bussotti

Villa Lontana, via Cassia 53 Roma

with Paolo Ravaglia and Jacopo Antonicelli


Rome 14th June 2022

Casa del Jazz, Viale di Porta Ardeatina 55 h.21:00

Franco D'Andrea and Orchestra

with PMCE, dir. Tonino Battista

Palermo May 28th  2022  h 21.00

Oratorio di Santa Cita


Conservatorio di Musica Alessandro Scarlatti di Palermo

Piccola Macchina del Tempo, recital​

Piccola Macchina del Tempo è un orologio impazzito. 

Un gioco di rimandi tra ciò che è vicino e ciò che è lontano. 

Il vecchio come nuovo. 

Il nuovo come eco storica. 

Per pensare, per lasciarsi andare, per sorprendere. 

Saltando a piè pari tutto quello che sta in mezzo, in un batter d’aria. 

Dieci anni sono passati da quando Stefano ci ha lasciati. 

Per questo vorrei ricordarlo con una dedica affettuosa. 

Attraverso la sua musica, che non ci lascerà mai.

Music by Francois Couperin, Carla Magnan, John Dowland,

Mary Jane Leach, Sylvius L. Weiss, Riccardo Vaglini (creation),

Nicola Vicentino, Riccardo Nova, Mario Pagliarani, Stefano


Palermo May 27th  2022  h 21.00

Cantieri Culturali La Zisa, ZACentrale


Conservatorio di Musica Alessandro Scarlatti di Palermo

Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, Palermo

with Fulvia Ricevuto

music by Jo Kondo, Lukas Ligeti, Jack Body

Palermo May 27th  2022  H.19.00

Cantieri Culturali La Zisa, ZACentrale, NOZ


Conservatorio di Musica Alessandro Scarlatti di Palermo

Cantieri Culturali della Zisa, Palermo

with F. Ricevuto, B. Vaccaro, E. Trupiano, G. Lo Giudice

Music by Alvin  Lucier, Kevin Volans, Franco Donatoni

Bologna, 17th May 2022

Conservatorio G.B. Martini, Sala Respighi


masterclass (16th) and concert with Paolo Ravaglia (clarinet)

concert on 17th at 4:30 pm Sala Ottorino Respighi

music by James Dashow, Paolo Aralla, John Cage, Giacinto Scelsi

Paolo Ravaglia, Paolo Rotili


Micat in Verice, Accademia Chigiana

Friday 11th March, Teatro dei Rozzi Siena

with Stephane Ginsburgh and Tommaso Cancellieri

Music by Michael Beil, Stefan Prins, Mario Pagliarani, 

Kevin Volans (creation), Frederic Rzewski, Louis Andriessen,

Sylvano Bussotti, Giacinto Scelsi, Mattew Shlomowitz


Monday 22th November

Auditorium Parco della Musica

CRM, Arte/Scienza

Musics by Gerard Grisey, Michelangelo Lupone (creation)

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista


Thursday 28th October

Casa Museo Scelsi

Via S. Teodoro 8, Roma. h. 20:30

Music by Giya Kancheli, Howard Skempton, Valentin Silvestrov

with Oscar Pizzo, piano



Friday 8th October/ Sunday 10th October

Teatro Valli, Festival Aperto

Reggio Emilia

Else by Federico Gardella

with Ensemble Risognanze

dir. T. Ceccherini


Friday 1st October

Festival RomaEuropa

Teatro Studio, Auditorium Parco della Musica Roma

Omaggio a Sylvano Bussotti

PMCE dir. T. Battista

h. 21:00


Monday 20th September 2021

Venice Biennale

Teatro alle Tese Arsenale h. 20.00


dir. Yuval Weinberg

music by M.Feldman,  S.Odeh-Tamimi, F.Filidei


Saturday 31st July 2021

Sunday 1st August 2021

Teatro Poliziano, Montepulciano

Cantiere Internazionale d'Arte

Else, by Federico Gardella (creation)

with Ensemble  Risognanze

dir. T. Ceccherini


Saturday 26th June

Forlì Open Music


Arena di San Domenico, Forlì

music by Claude Debussy,

Riccardo Nova (creation), 

Ricardas Kabelis (Italian creation) ,

Anthony Pateras (italian creation)

Friday 4th and Saturday 5th June

CONDOMINI h. 19:30

a project of Musica per Roma


with Lucia Bova (harp) and Luca Sanzo'(viola)

music by C.Debussy, C.Salzedo, G.Ligeti, T.Takemitsu



Sunday 7th March

Festival In_Sicurezza

Camino al Tagliamento (Udine)

music by Gyorgy Kurtàg, Morton Feldman,Toshio Hosokawa, Kaija Saariaho, Matthew Shlomowitz.

with Andrea Vecchiato andMaddalena Lotter, flutes



Saturday 5th December

Forlì Open Music

Chiesa di San Giacomo

music by Riccardo Nova, Ricardas Kabelis, Claude Debussy




Wednesday 14th October 2020

Festival IMPULS, Halle (Germany)

Bad Boys - preview

music by Matthew Shlomowitz, Mario Pagliarani (creation),

Kevin Volans, Stefan Prins


Tuesday 29th/Wednesday  30th September 2020

Festival RomaEuropa

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

Ascanio Celestini

music by S. Prokofiev and I. Stravinsky


Saturday 26th September 2020

Festival RomaEuropa

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

Katia and Marielle Labèque

music by Bryce Dessner

Saturday 12th/ Sunday 13th September 2020

La Via Lattea 17 - Teatro del Tempo

Campus Trevano, Canobbio (Switzerland)

musics by Gabriel Fauré, Mario Pagliarani (creation),

Jurg Frey (creation)

with Francesco Dillon (cello), Emanuele Torquati (piano)

trio K


Sunday 5th July

Accademia di Spagna, Via S. Pietro in Montorio Roma

Musiche di Eduardo Soutullo, Andrea Gabrieli, Giuseppe Pitoni,

Olivier Messiaen

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista

Saturday 12th June

American Academy, Roma

Music by  John Adams, Aaron Copland, David Lang,

Courtney Bryan

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista


Saturday 9th May 2020

American Academy, Roma

Music by Shii Hui Chen, Erin Gee, Nina Young, Shulamit Ran,

Pamela Z

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista


Friday 24th April 2020

Villa Medici, Roma

Festival Controtempo

Music by Iannotta, Pesson, Saariaho, Murail

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista


Saturday 18th April

American Academy, Rome

Music by Zeno Baldi, Sheila Silver

PMCE dir. Tonino Battista



Friday 21st February 2020

Aula Magna IIS Lagrangia, Corso Italia 44 - Vercelli

John Dowland Lachrimae Gementes

Jacob TV Garden of Love

Mary Jane Leach Dowland's Tears

John Dowland Lachrimae Tristes

Jacob TV IT

John Dowland Lachrimae Verae

Eve Beglarian I will not be sad in this world

Jacob TV 3 Suppositions


Friday 20st December 2019

Roma, Auditorium Parco della Musica

Kevin Volans: clarinet:solo

Kevin Volans: 7 flutes

Kevin Volans: double take

Kevin Volans: 7 clarinets and 1 flute (world premiere)

Kevin Volans: 7 bass winds (world premiere)

Kevin Volans: Walking Song

dir. Tonino Battista

with PMCE


Thursday 5th December 2019 h.18:00

Firenze GAMO, Le Murate

Piazza della Madonna della Neve 1, Firenze

Giancarlo  Cardini : Collage Luna 2  (2019) (wp)

Percy Grainger : Irish Tune from County Derry (1911) 

Giya  Kancheli  :4 Miniatures (2014) 

Giancarlo Cardini: 5 Bagatelle (2005) for flute

Giacinto  Scelsi : Chemin du Rêve (1934)  (wp)       

Giancarlo Cardini : Anyone who has a Heart  (2019)(wp)

Giancarlo Cardini : Sabato em Copacabana  (2019) (wp)

Simon  Holt : Epithalamion 2 (2018) (wp)

Giancarlo Cardini :Canti Segreti (1989)  

Howard  Skempton :Bagatelle 2 (2019) for flute (wp)              Samuel  Barber:Canzone op. 38 b (1942) 

Giancarlo  Cardini :Collage Mare 2  (2019) (wp)

with Mark Knoop, piano


Wednesday 4th December 2019  h. 20.00

Gran Teatro La Fenice, Sale Apollinee

ExNovo Musica 2019

Goffredo Petrassi: Dialogo Angelico 

Nino Rota: 3 Duetti

Giorgio F. Ghedini: 3 pezzi per flauto

Aldo  Clementi: Canzonetta

Stefano Scodanibbio: Ritorno a Cartagena

W.F.Bach: Duetto F 58 in Fa min

Louis  Andriessen: Lacrimosa

Philip Glass: Piece in the Shape of a Square

with Daniele Ruggieri, flute



Sunday 17th November 2019

Festival RomaEuropa

Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma

Teatro Studio, ore 21:00

music by Louis Andriessen

(Zilver, Hoketus)

cond. Tonino Battista

with PMCE


Friday 15th November 2019

Roma, Accademia di Spagna

Maurice Ravel: Sonatine

Claude  Debussy: Sonate

Carlos Chavez: Trio

Alexey Sioumak Hero's Last Dance

Ivan Fedele: Suite Francaise, per arpa

Antonio Blanco Tejero (world premiere) per viola sola

Josè Maria Sanchez Verdù: Trio Azraq

Triolet (with Luca Sanzò, viola and Lucia Bova, harp)

Thursday 25rd October 2019


Moscow, Rakhmaninov Hall of the Conservatory

h. 21:00


Salvatore Sciarrino: All'aure in una lontananza (1977)

Kaija Saariaho: Dolce Tormento (2005)

Matthew Shlomowitz: Left Right Up Down Pogo (2014)



Wednesday 24rd October 2019


Moscow, Rakhmaninov Hall of the Conservatory

h. 19:00


Bernhard Lang: Monadologie XVI solfeggio for flute

Alexey Sioumak: Hero's  Last Dance (creation)

Nikolay Popov: Edit(a)Fill

Saturday 19th October h.18:00

Museo d'Arte dello Splendore, Giulianova

Stefano Scodanibbio:Ritorno a Cartagena

Salvatore Sciarrino:Immagine Fenicia

Bernhard Lang:Monadologie XVI

Giancarlo Cardini:5 Bagatelle

Alexei Sioumak: Hero's last dance

+ musics by J.S.Bach, C.P.E.Bach,A.Stamitz, S.L.Weiss

Sunday 14th September 2019

Firenze, Music@VillaRomana

Jacob TV: Suppositions 


Saturday 13th September 2019

Firenze, Music@VillaRomana

Echoic Memories 

Pocket Opera by Keiko Devaux (creation)

Friday 14th June 2019

Macerata, Orto dei Pensatori h.21:00


Mario Pagliarani: Il silenzio secondo Gluck

Francois Couperin: Le Rossignol en amour

Stefano Scodanibbio: Ritorno a Cartagena

Jacob TV: The Garden of Love

John Dowland: Lachrimae Verae

 Juste Janulyte: Psalms

 Jacob TV : Suppositions (creation)


Thursday 13th June 2019

Ravenna Festival

Forlì Chiesa S. Giacomo h. 21:00

Karlheinz Stockhausen: Kathinka's Gesang als Luzifers Requiem

Chigiana Percussion Ensemble

Alvise Vidolin regia del suono



Tuesday 11th June 2019

Ravenna Festival

Ravenna, Teatro Rasi h. 21:00

Steve Reich: Drumming

Ars Ludi & Chigiana Percussion Ensemble

Saturday 8th June 2019 

Firenze, Villa Romana


h. 18.30: introduction to

Non abbastanza per me (Quodlibet)

by Stefano Scodanibbio

Stefano Lombardi Vallauri , speaker

Stefano Scodanibbio: Ritorno a Cartagena **

(**please have a look at the video...

thanks to Fausto Pizzocchero) 

h. 21.30 concert 

with Francesco Dillon cello, 

Emanuele Torquati  piano

and Giuliano Scabia voice

Mario Pagliarani:

Opera della Notte

Il silenzio secondo Gluck (creation)**

please look at the video of the performance

(thanks to Fausto Pizzocchero

Saturday 13th April 2019

Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

Sala Sinopoli h. 21:00

Frankenstein Symphony (2019)

music by Mark Grey

PMCE - cond. Tonino Battista


Sunday 17th February h. 11.00

Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

Teatro Studio Borgna

Kaija Saariaho and Gianluigi Mattietti

La Natura nella Musica/Il mondo sonoro di Kaija Saariaho

during the conference performance of

Dolce Tormento, for solo piccolo by Kaija Saariaho

Sunday 17th February 2019, h. 21:00

Rome, Auditorium Parco della Musica

Teatro Studio Borgna

Festival Equilibrio

with PMCE - Tonino Battista, conductor

MAA by Kaija Saariaho

Saturday 9 February, 7.30pm

Camden Arts Center, London

The music of Laurence Crane and Pauline Oliveros

Pauline Oliveros - Trio for flute, piano and page turner
Pauline Oliveros - Portrait of Manuel Zurria
Laurence Crane - Piano Piece no.23

Laurence Crane - Gli Anni Prog

with Mark Knoop (piano)

Music by Laurence Crane and Pauline Oliveros is featured on the soundtracks of the two new films by Beatrice Gibson. This concert presents pieces by both composers; some sharing similar aesthetic and structural characteristics with Gibson's output and also with the work of Gertrude Stein, on whose screenplay Gibson bases 'Deux Soeurs Qui Ne Sont Pas Soeurs'. Exploring aspects of portraiture, repetition and duplication - exact and inexact - the music seems in many ways closely aligned to the notion of 'the copy' that fascinates Gibson. Manuel Zurria worked with Oliveros on his realisation of 'Portrait', which he subsequently released on CD; Mark Knoop and Zurria have both been involved with the performance of Crane's music for several years now.


4th December

London City University - Loops Forever

with D. Calderone

music by B. Lang, S. Borzelli, Y. Kyriakides

16th November

Wien Modern

Porgy & Bess h. 22:00

with D. Calderone and Philip Jeck

music by Bernhard Lang

15th November

Parco della Musica, Festival Romaeuropa

PMCE h. 21:00

O Supersong

10th November

La Via Lattea, Lugano (Switzerland)

Auditorium RTSI h.18:30

Opera della Notte, poema concertato

music by Mario Pagliarani

with F. Dillon and E. Torquati

30th October

Gaida Festival, Vilnius (Lithuania)

MZ & LT Flutes' Orchestra

music by Mazulis (premiere),

Volans, Reich, Kondo, J.L.Adams, Tye,

Ciconia, Dowland, Tallis  of-gaida-festival-2018-2/

22nd October

S(LOW) - recital

Teatro S. Leonardo, Bologna

Angelica, Centro di Ricerca Musicale h. 20:30

music by Lucier, Turazzi, Scodanibbio, Scelsi,

D'Angiolini, Leach (premiere)

6th October

Tenuta dello Scompiglio, Vorno (Lucca)

The Sinking of the Titanic by Gavin Bryars

Gavin Bryars, doublebass and direction

29th September

Venice Biennale, PMCE dir. T. Battista

Teatro alle Tese h. 20:00

music by Elliott Carter

28th September

Venice Biennale, PMCE dir. T. Battista

Teatro Goldoni h. 20:00

Frank Zappa - The Yellow Shark

24th August

Art City, Roma Castel S. Angelo

music by Debussy, Ravel, Bax, Takemitsu

with L. Bova and L. Sanzò

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