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with Tibor Szemzo

with Tibor Szemzo in Budapest

with David Lang and Paolo Ravaglia

with David Lang and Paolo Ravaglia, Rome

with Giulia Peri and Beat Furrer

with Giulia Peri and Beat Furrer at the Austrian Forum, Rome

with Alvin Lucier

with Alvin Lucier, Rome

with Peter Eotvos

with Peter Eotvos at the Japanese Institute, Rome

with Sofjia Gubajdulina, Lucia Bova, FrancescoGesualdi and Luca Sanzò

with Sofjia Gubajdulina, Lucia Bova, Francesco Gesualdi and Luca Sanzò

rehearsals of Garten von Freuden und Traurigkeiten with Sofjia Gubajdulina

with Tom Johnson

with Tom Johnson  in Paris

with Ricardas Kabelis blessed by an aural light

with Mary Jane Leach in Rome

with Gyorgy Kurtag

with Gyorgy Kurtag in Budapest

with Juste Janulyte and Rytis Mazulis

with Rytis Mazulis and Juste Janulyte in Vilnius

with Toshio Hosokawa

with Toshio Hosokawa in Sapporo, Japan

with Terry Riley

with Terry Riley in Turin

with Steve Reich and PMCE

with Steve Reich and PMCE in Ravenna

with Arvo Part and Oscar Pizzo

with Arvo Part and Oscar Pizzo in Rome. Photos by Roberto Masotti

with Laszlo Sary

with Laszlo Sary in Budapest

with Kaija Saariaho

with Kaija Saariaho in Lulea, Sweden

with Salvatore Sciarrino

with Salvatore Sciarrino in Rome and Lyon

with Matthew Shlomowitz and Laurence Crane in London

with Stefano Scodanibbio

with Stefano Scodanibbio in Rome

with Howard Skempton

with Howard Skempton in London

with Peter Ablinger, Emanuele Torquati and Beat Furrer

with Peter Ablinger, Emanuele Torquati and Beat Furrer

with Phoebe Neville and Philip Corner

with Phoebe Neville and Philip Corner at Scelsi's house in Rome

with Rytis Mazulis

with Rytis Mazulis in Vilnius

with Howard Skempton and Francesco Dillon in London

with Philip Jeck, Bernhard Lang and Alter Ego

with Philip Jeck, Bernhard Lang and Alter Ego in Gent

with Jacob TV and PMCE

with Jacob TV and PMCE at Maxxi, Rome

with Frederic Rzewski, Alvin Curran, Frankie HI NRG and Alter Ego. Photo by Roberto Masotti

with Frederic Rzewski, Alvin Curran, Frankie HI NRG and Alter Ego. Photo by Roberto Masotti

with Gavin Bryars, Philip Jeck and Alter Ego

with Gavin Bryars, Philip Jeck and Alter Ego in Venice

wih Matthew Shlomowitz, Mark Knoop and Jeremy Hunt

with Matthew Shlomowitz, Mark Knoop and Jeremy Hunt

with Lei Liang and Richard Thrytall

with Lei Liang and Richard Thrytall

with Jonathan Harvey

with Jonathan Harvey, Festival Scelsi Roma

masterclass in Moscow, 2011

with Kirill Shirokov, Moscow 2011

with William Basinski (in the middle) and the Alter Ego's in Venice

with Geir Janssen aka Biosphere and Gianluca Ruggeri in Rome

with Alvin Lucier and the Alter Ego's in Venice 

with Stefano Scodanibbio (in the middle), Matmos and Alter Ego in Rome

with Philip Corner in Milan

with Mika Vainio  in Milan

with James Saunders in Florence

with Alvin Curran in Rome

with Claude Lenners and Fabrizio Casti in Cagliari


with Maurizio Pisati and Federico Mondelci

with ensemble 0 in Carcassonne 

with John Duncan at Area Sismica

in Druskininkai with Egidija Medeksaite and Rytis Mazulis 

photo by Anton Lukoszevieze

in Sweden with Alter Ego

with Francesco Dillon and Emanuele Torquati in London


with David Moss and Paolo Ravaglia

with Mary Jane Leach in Rome

with James Dashow in Rome

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with Simone Beneventi in Budrio

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with FL Lithuanian Orchestra in Vilnius

in Padova with (left to right) Giulio Francesconi, Claudio Montafia, Daniele Ruggieri 

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with Gavin Bryars (at doublebass) with great friends/musicians for the Sinking of the Titanic at the Scompiglio (Lucca)

1984 at Città di Castello summer courses with Fausto Sebastiani

with Frederic Rzewski, Alter Ego and Ars Ludi performing Coming Together by Rzewski

with Pan Sonic and Alter Ego in Wroclaw (Poland)

Spazio a cinque by Franco Evangelisti with Alter Ego in Rome

Alter Ego in Sweden in a caravaggean style

David Moss and Alter Ego performing Schoenberg's Pierrot Lunaire in Berne

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In Florence with (right to left) Francesco Gesualdi, Giancarlo Cardini and Laurence Crane

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Two pics from the Ravenna Festival 2019 with Antonio Caggiano and the

 the Chigiana Percussion Ensemble (Kathinka's Gesang by Stockhausen and

Drumming by Steve Reich)

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with Vladimir Tarnopolski

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big jumps in Moscow


with Kevin Volans


7 FLUTES by Kevin Volans, Auditorium Rome 2019

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with Simon Holt, Francesco Gesuladi and Mark Knoop, Firenze GAMO 2019 


with Salvatore Sciarrino, early 90ties

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in C in Macerata with Terry Riley


Left to Right: Stefano Cardi, Francesco Pennisi, Guido Guida, Susanna Rigacci,

Luisa Castellani and myself, Orestiadi di Gibellina 1990

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with Ilpo Vaisanen and Paolo in Milan

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with Paolo and Matthew Shlomowitz in Florence

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 with Emanuele Torquati, Francesco Dillon and Mario Pagliarani (left to right) in Trevano

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 with William Basinski at Venice Biennale

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 with Terry Riley in Turin

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with Alvin Lucier in Dundalk, Ireland


with Laurence Crane

with Giuliano D'Angiolini in Paris, early 90ties


with Laurence Crane, Francesco Gesualdi and Giancarlo Cardini


concert in Tashkent (Uzbekistan) with Alter Ego at Illikom Theatre. 


performing Keiko Devaux at Villa Romana with Simone Beneventi and Francesco Dillon

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with Mark Knoop at Camden Art Center, London

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with Gavin Bryars  with Oscar and Paolo in Billesdon, UK

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with Paolo, Frederic and Noemi Rzewski in Macerata


with Federico Gardella in Budrio


 with Philip Glass  at Opera Paese, Roma,1995 photos by Elisabetta Catalano

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with Julius Aglinskas in Vilnius

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with Stephane Ginsburgh live at Chigiana, Siena

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with Stephane Ginsburgh, Matthew Shlomowitz and Sarah Defrise in Siena


Very happy and busy days in Valsamoggia (near Bologna) for Chiese, Corti e Cortili with Paolo Aralla and 6 composers who had to write a new piece for me. With  Leonardo Mezzalira, Emre Sener, Luca Tacchino, Davide Spina, Fabio Luigi Ruggiero, and Luisa Valeria Carpignano (the only one missing who shote the photo...)

Palermo Basilica della Magione 2023 with Julius Aglinskas and Rytis Mazulis

Darmstadt 1992 with Mario Garuti and other 2 guys (sorry forgot names...)

Salvo Sciarrino's birthday in Macerata

Alter Ego, David Lang and his sons at Fara Sabina in 1990

PMCE with Kaija Saariaho in Rome 2022

wild impro in Lugo with Paolo and Federico Sanguineti 2022

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Concert in Moscow, Rachmaninov Hall

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@ Area Sismica photo by Luigi Pretolani

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A really weird duo....

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A really weird quartet....

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